Sunday, October 10, 2010

More on Kitchen

Once upon a time there was a kitchen that was stuck in 1983. Now its on its way to being a festive Fat Chef Italian eatery. I know, I know, Fat Chef phase is supposed to be so yesterday. But I respectfully decline to follow that inkling. Rather, I glory in Fat Chef regalia.

Now, I must be very careful. Its very easy to overcook the chef. Check out these nightmares:


These knickknacks don't do it for me - especially the curtains. (All images are from I have found that a formula of carefully selected Fat Chef items balanced with other items to be the best recipe. One that I am happy to share with family, friends, neighbors and those from Planet Blogospere.

Look how creative folks can be with the Chef:



Ok this one doesn't really apply, but hey its creative. :) From

I'm at my max at Fat Chef kitz - I have the pictures on the wall as well as two little Fat Chef gods I've named Mario & Luigi who oversee that every recipe I try is successful. I've also balanced the Fat Chef stuff with little signs and an antique looking clock that looks like it'd be hanging at a bistro.

The big decor item left is a rug. I LOVE the jute rug 3 pictures above me but I don't think that would fit right in my kitchen. Maybe once I get the floors redone I'll have a better idea. Fingers crossed!